





  • SteriPS Filter Cartridges Cobetter SteriPS Filter Cartridges are specially designed to provide superior flow rates at an economical cost. The unique construction allows for optimal sterilization effect with low diffusion flow. Hydrophilic polyethersulfone membrane cartridges require no pre-wetting and are ready to use.This assures a cost effective device while maintaining excellent performance in the pharmaceutical application.
  • H-VCF Vent Filter Housing H-VCF Vent Filter Housing used in food & beverage and pharmaceutical applications to sterilize the air before it flows into the tank, while maintaining pressure balance inside and outside the housing.
  • H-VCF II/III Vent for Anti-condensation H-VCF II Vent Filter Housing is superior vent filter housing with an anti-condensation function for air filtration and with stricter requirements
  • Super-Dura Filter Cartridges Cobetter Super-Dura Filter Cartridges is designed for almost all pharmaceutical liquids, especially for the solvent-containing liquid and ophthalmic solution. Super-Dura filter cartridge is made of hydrophilic PTFE membrane which provides excellent chemical and heat tolerance.
  • TeflonFlow Filter Cartridges Cobetter TeflonFlow Filter Cartridges are composed of hydrophobic PTFE membrane. It’s features include exceptional organic & inorganic corrosion resistance and inherently hydrophobicity. They are highly recommended for the pre-filtration and sterile filtration of strong solvents, highly corrosive fluids, strong oxidant luids and critical air venting applications.