
Aegivast AFL filters
Autoclaving Sterilizing-Grade Air and Gas Filters

AegivastTM AFL gas filters are made of 0.2μm-rated hydrophobic PTFE membrane, offering highest removal efficiency for bacteria and particulates from air and gas. Also the strong construction of AegivastTM AFL gas filters offers enhanced steam resistance. Consequently, they are highly recommended for sterile filtration of gas, air in pharmaceutical, biological liquids and fermentation industries.

Features and benefits

  • Inherently Hydrophobic PTFE
  • Exceptionally high flow rate with low pressure drops
  • Strong construction offers enhanced steam resistance


  • Transfer vessel
  • Single-use bioreactors
  • Filtration and bag assemblies

Available Formats 

  • MiniventTM capsule filters
  • BricapTM C capsule filters, BricapTM L capsule filters, BricapTM T capsule filters
  • Cobetter filter cartridge
  • Specifaction

For technical data sheet or application inquiry, you are more than welcome to contact our sales representative by sales@cobetterfilter.com or leave a message


Filter MediaHydrophobic PTFE Membrane
Pore Size0.2μm
Filter Structure ComponentsPolypropylene
Max. Temperature45℃
Max. Differential Pressure Forward @20℃Forward @20℃
Bubble Point @20℃≥ 1.1 bar | 16 psig in 60% isopropanol (IPA) 40% water, Air
Bacterial RetentionRetention of 107 CFU/cm2 Brevundimonas diminuta (ATCC?19146) according to ASTM F838.
SterilizationCapsules: Autoclaved for 30ycles of 30minutes at 136℃.(No in-line steam sterilization)
Cartridges: Autoclaved for 150 cycles of 30 minutes at 136℃.
Bacterial Endotoxin<0.25EU/mL, according to LAL Test, USP <85>
Component Material ToxicityMeet the criteria of the USP<88>Reactivity Test for Class VI-121 °C plastics.
Contact Form
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